GoT S08 Wrote by any Dungeon Master

9 min readMay 17, 2019

Well, everyone knows that the last season of our lovely GoT (Game of Thrones) is not the best one (to be real, it lost what made GoT get where it is today)

By trying not only to complain but will write some resume about what should be this last season if the director thinks about it like an RPG (Role Playing Game) romance and not a soap opera. [I don't wanna say Fanfic because there is planny better fanfics out there]

In a world where the RPG style give always the best movies and books (Lord of the Rings, Name of Wind, Dragonlance, etc) we start to see some real money being invested in this segment. Like this Kickstart campaign for RPG Animation — Top 5 in Kickstart with 11,000,000+ dollars. I’m impressed that they decide to make it less connected to the book and still try to push it Hollywood style (Sad).

This is only a resume about one RPG vision

Episode 1

Daenerys arrives in the North (Sansa is happy about it), the dragons are sick, Jaime Lannister arrives, he is received in the North Hall, Daenerys listen to his excuse to execute the mad king (story comes out):

Jaime: Sorry your grace I was thinking about was best for the people

Daenerys: You could have stop him without kill him or putting another Targaryen, you just get the throne to your family making me get exile.

Bran: Things we do for love.

Brienne talks in defence of Jaime, Daenerys kills Jaime (using the grey worm), and Sansa gets mad with Daenerys because of Brienne. Later Tyrion fights with Daenerys because of his brother and Daenerys complains that he believed his sister. He is not the Hand anymore.

Mormont comes to Daenerys to give back the Hand to Tyrion, but she says no.

Sam meets Daenerys and talks about her uncle (the blind guy from night watch). Daenerys talk that she killed his family and make him Lord and protector of the citadel. (Jon is happy as fuck)

Sam meets Mormont and talks about his father, an amazing guy from night watch.

Bran is wise (not creepy), and he gets into a long talk with Tyrion about the Night King.

Golden Company arrives in the King's Landing, talking about the past when they fought against the Targaryen. Seal a deal with Cersei, not only for money, but new routes for business and King Landing will send men for training in the Golden Company. They have elephants.

Euron makes Cersei sleep with him as he did and forces a royal wedding on the same day. Euron became King of Sea and Land.

Tyrion comes up with a war plan: He explains, after the talk with Bran, to kill the night King, he needs to cross him with dragon glass. At the same time, Bran tries to get inside his mind, which is very hard and could kill Bran but is the only way to defeat his power.

He explains that the night king has five generals, and each one control +- 20% of the army. If you kill the Night Kill, everything will stop. But if you kill a general, 1/5 of the army will fall (if you don't let another one grow it again)

They create a war strategy (will explain in Episode 3).

Jon Discover that he is a Targaryen, and Sam has a document proving this. Bran smile.

Episode 2

Jon tells Daenerys he is Targaryen too, they discuss, they fight, they make love, Daenerys try to burn Jon for the check, he is fire immune too, and they don't know what to do. They call Bran. Bran gives good advice telling that in the past people of the same blood was married and this should not be a problem since it happens in the Stark and Targaryen family before.

Jon: Marriage? =o

Daenerys: You are not a Night Watch anymore, you are clammed the north king, you could be my hand with intelligence and good wars skills… and I love you.

Jon: I love you too.

Daenerys talks with Sansa to make things clear, Brienne is made Knight. When Sansa asks about the north Daenerys is very serious "The north is part of the seven kingdoms and will keep this way, but maybe I have a solution". They finish the pact with a minor weeding, no party the war is coming, this is business. Sam writes this in a paper and sends it everywhere with ravens, telling Jon Snow's heritage and Jon + Daenerys Targaryen Weeding, (Jon keeps his fucking name).

Tyrion discusses putting the people in the crypt. He speaks about removing the deaths from there and burning then. Sansa doesn't like the idea and gets mad. Brand defended the idea, and they accepted in a vote commanded by Jon. Sansa gets out pissed. Tyrion goes after her.

They talk +-:

Tyrion: You should have run with me.

Sansa: Maybe, I'm stronger now but not one should pass for what I passed, I'm broke inside. They don't listen to me, but they will.

Tyrion: You are the Lady of Winterfell, this is your castle and your people (Sansa smiles)

Tormund and Brienne sleep together. Maybe she was a virgin, maybe not, no important. Arya sleep with Gendry, get up after and go training. Kill people > Sex.

Episodes 3 & 4

Melisandre is Back. Put fire in everything. Make people create some altars for the R’hllor.

They stay inside the walls, archers on the wall, creating a pit outside and one inside. If the dead try to climb (archers go to towers) people with shields and spears would throw them down (inside) whereas people with spears and swords would kill then.

Jon and Daenerys focus on the Ice Dragon. Who in the middle of the fight drops the Ice King and keep fighting (no one knows where the Ice King went)

Ser Davos and Brienne, Grey Worm and Mormont, Greyjoy and Edd, Beric Dondarrion and Sandor Clegane, Bella Ramsey and Tormund (north and savage side by side), each couple focus on one of the Generals

Bran stays in the tree (where his power is more significant because it is connected to the whole world), with some guards, waiting for people to kill the generals and the Ice King needs too appears to kill Bran.

War is everywhere, Edd dies, Beric dies, one general dies, another one comes and grows the deaths, Bella die and kills the giant, another general falls in another side, Greyjoy dies, and the two dragons can control the Ice dragon, but the war is intense, they disappear on the sky, Jon and Daenerys drops on the snow, far from Winterfell, Jon start to run in direction of Bran. One general comes to raise more deaths, and Sam kills him, but another zumbi kills Sam (sad).

Ice king appears in front of Bran. He kills his guards, goes to Bran, speaks some text old history

Ice King: Well, you can try to get in my mind now, but nothing will stop me this time to kill you.

Bran starts to get in his mind. Jon is coming close, but too far. Ghost stays with Daenerys saving her from random death zombies.

Grey Worm dies, Mormont kills one General, another general fights and kill Mormont, and this last general tries to raise all deaths. Podrick kills him exactly after he raises, making the army fall to death again.

One of the soldiers on the floor next to Bran removing his mask, is Arya, trying to kill the Ice King(fight), but he avoids, him while Bran tries to get in his mind, Arya is close to winning…

The Ice Dragon appears to eat/kill Arya, take the Ice King (who realises he has no army anymore) and fly away. End.

Episodes 5 & 6

Bran says that the Ice king is without power and is wounded. Probably he did like last time 7k years ago, fly to the most north to heal his damage and maybe start again in thousands of years. Winter is not coming so strong this time, and people are safe while they burn the dead.

Ser Davos execute Melisandre after Daenerys judgement. Gendry became Lord and calls Davos to help him after they fight for Daenerys.

Bronn comes in to kill Tyrion, but before one last chat and drink, Bronn dies poisoned with the wine that was for Tyrion.

The savages receive some northern castles/lands to stay in. Tormund is the new one responsible for guarding the wall, like the old night watch.

The dragons appear again. One is really, really bad. Time to go south. On the water, Euros attack and "almost" kill one dragon, Daenerys can run to the back and set fire to the ships but decide to leave since more ships are coming with more "scorpions", she loses the fight, but her army gets safe to the island with the help of the Iron Ships, who fights with Euron in the seas. Missandei dies in this fight.

Daenerys and Jon decide to attack King's Landing. Tyrion asks for mercy for the population, and he goes to talk with Cersei, and Cersei kills him.

Appears a new house with a new couple who heard about the Targaryens back, and they will join forces against Cersei. They mostly fight against the Golden Company (yes, one far away, a new family with new people, and we love them because this is GoT, we kill some and bring more).

Greyjoys come from the sea to fight the rest of the Iron ships, they come by night and get some ships, using the Scorpion to throw the big spear for the dragon and put other ships down.

The fight is at night because makes no sense you attack your dragon in the morning since they have Scorpions to kill it.

Cersei puts the people inside the castle, and lets the beginning of the city empty, but locked (closed gates). When the dragons get there and broke the walls the Daenerys army go inside. At some point one of the dragons is killed by the Scorpions, and Cersei light Live Fire in the beginning of the city (where the Dothrakis, Unsullied and North army are, killing thousands.

The Dragon with Daenery start to break everything, Cersei runs for the boat, and Tyrion asks for Davos (Tyrion told her this run option so she could surrender) when Cersei get in the Boat, Davos send some killers with it.

Mountain kill the killers, the hound appears and starts to fight with Mountain, Cersei starts to run away, and Ghost appears and kills her.

Everything is happy and sound, the sun is coming, Jon and Daenerys are alone in the Throne room, and all she ever wants is nice morning light, she says she is pregnant, he is happy, and they go to kiss…

And an Ice Spear crosses both of them, killing the Targaryens. The Ice King is in the Throne Room, smiling.
The last scene is the death army invading Kings' Landing, and you can see in the Background the Ice Dragon Killing the last dragon.




Android Developer, RPG players, DJ and producer and ex- many stuffs, let's have a coffee